Visitors Guide

National Travel & Tourism Week 2020 Celebrates "Spirit of Travel"

SWANSEA, IL (4/28/2020)— National Travel and Tourism Week (NTTW), the annual celebration of the contributions and accomplishments of the U.S. travel industry, will spotlight resilience and hope in the face of the coronavirus pandemic with this year’s theme: the Spirit of Travel. Celebrated annually the first full week in May, NTTW was created by Congress in 1983 to underscore the economic power of travel in the U.S. The 37th NTTW (May 3-9) arrives at an opportune moment to unite the industry, celebrate its indomitable spirit and elevate the role it will play in America’s economic recovery. “Through every hardship, I find myself in awe of the travel industry’s ability to join together, adapt, and emerge stronger than before,” said U.S. Travel Association President and CEO Roger Dow. “This is our toughest challenge yet, but what I’ve seen is that the spirit of travel has not been shattered.” Since in-person rallies and events that have been hallmarks of NTTW in years past are not an option this year, Discover Downstate Illinois is engaging folks by hosting a children’s coloring contest, as well as a virtual scavenger hunt on their social media accounts. Downstate Illinois’s Communications Manager, Andy Waterman explains why this is the perfect time to embrace the “Spirit of Travel.” “We see National Travel and Tourism Week as an opportunity to remind our visitors and our residents just how much there is to experience in our 22-county territory. When the time comes, so many people are going to want to get out and do as much as they can outside of the house, so this is the opportunity to show them how much they can do within a two hour drive of their homes. A lot of folks are going to turn to road trips before air travel, and Downstate Illinois is the perfect road trip destination. We have attractions for outdoor enthusiasts, history buffs, selfie-takers, and wine and beer lovers, just to name a few. We’re seeing a handful of State Parks begin to re-open, so it’s only a matter of time before we all get moving again, and Discover Downstate Illinois will be more ready than ever to welcome travelers with open arms.” For more information about Discover Downstate Illinois, visit For pictures, video, or interview inquiries, please contact Communications Manager, Andy Waterman at or at (618) 334-0674. Discover Downstate Illinois covers the following 22 counties: Bond, Clark, Clay, Clinton, Crawford, Cumberland, Edwards, Fayette, Hamilton, Jasper, Lawrence, Madison, Marion, Monroe, Perry, Randolph, Richland, St. Clair, Wabash, Washington, Wayne, White

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